About rank system

In the Oyasai server, a command available to you is based upon the rank.
With the higher the rank, you can use more commands.
The only way to raise the rank is byBuilding.
※The rank color of bold corresponds to the rank color in Discord.

Beginner (or higher) can use following commands:

/menuDisplay a menu that controls everything. You can use the command shop here
/spawnTeleport to spawn
/sociallikes tp (ID) or /sltp (ID)Teleport to (ID)
/sociallikes gui allOpen (player ID) building list
/sociallikes gui player (player ID)Open building list
/sociallikes gui lasttimeOpen list of buildings created during logout
/fOpen a shop to sell the fish you caught
/sethome nameSet current location as home(Can multiple registration)
/homeTeleport to home
/lockLock chest,door,‎furnace and etc
/unlockUnlock chest,door,furnace and etc(became public)
/gl removeUnlock item_frame(became public)
/region claim (name)Protect selected area with wood axe
/tpa (player ID)Send request of teleport to (player ID)
/tpacceptAccept teleport request
/tpdenyDent teleport request
/moneyCheck your amounts
/baltopShow rich ranking
/backpack or /bpYou can use backpack(Automatically expanded with rank up)
/pay (player ID) (Amounts)send money to (player ID)
/craftOpen Crafting Table
/dustbox or /gomi or /dOpen dustbox
/co ican see log
/afkbe afk
How to rank up Beginner to mid-rank
Get About 10 of good by SocialLikes
When the first building is completed, and after the examination by the admin.

More than mid-rank can use commands and can do somethings.

/headsGet special heads※Currently unavailable Please order it from a manager.
/vote yes or noParticipate in troll player exclusion vote
/nickSet your nickname
/myheadGet your head
/playerhead (player ID)get(player ID)'s head。
/hatPut on items you have
How to rank up mid-rank to High-rank
If you are good builder, Admin will level up your rank.

More than High-rank can use following commands:

/flyYou can fly!
/backReturn to dead location, return to pre-teleport location
pet?you can tame neutral MOB only
ShopOpen a shop The way is here
furniture?Can use Table,chair and etc
How to rank up high-lank to Architect
Build your own town,village,Huge building and etc.
Admin will level up your rank.

More than Architect can use following commands:

/gamemode 3 or /gms 3can become specter mode if you want to become survival mode,type /gamemode 0 or /gms 0
/tp (player ID)Teleport to (player ID) you don't need approval
/tp (coordinate)Teleport to (coordinate)
/votekick (player ID)Start a troll player exclusion vote
/tomap Image URLOutput image to map
Change timeYou can change the time of the whole world. Operate from the menu or /time set (ticks)。
Change weatherYou can change the weather in the whole world. Operate from the menu or /weather <strom/sum>。
MusicBotmusic bot in discord
How to rank up Architect to Takumi
If you often come to the server and the technique is judged to be more than sufficient
you can rank up.

More than Takumi can use following commands:

WorldEditCan use WorldEdit
VoxelSniperCan Terrain generation
/gamemode 1Can become creative mode but
Let's talk to the admin because there are conditions
PetYou can tame hostile MOB

More than can use following commands:

It is an indicator that he has architectural skills beyond .
There is no command addition.

Currently,「」is the most highest rank.





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Title description, Dec 7, 2017


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Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.


Title description, Sep 2, 2017


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Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.
